Basically what our hack does is, it aims to control the browser completely using gestures.

We are building an Image Filter Recommendation program using Convolutional Neural Networks (Deep Learning). The user will only need to upload an image, and the app will recognize its category, mood and content. It will analyze those characteristics, and display the picture after applying the most appropriate filter.

We are trying to develop an android application based on machine learning which can take in an video, audio, image or a text file and provide us with small summary of the respective file in text format. This application will save a lot of time when we don't have enough time to watch the whole video or listen to whole audio (recorded speech). We can just run our application and it will give a small summary of the video and audio. We will also try to implement a chrome extension which can do the same.

System Tracking & Activity REstrictions (STARE) : 1. ""Stare"" records the user activities and it has a graphical representation of activity distribution over time(daily,weekly,monthly). 2. ""Stare"" has a constraints feature which enables users to set time limit for an application usage. Applications can also be blocked based on some keywords appearing in the application title. 3. We are also providing an API that provides user application usage information which enables commercial companies(Amazon, Flipkart etc) to do user profiling by applying Machine Learning Algorithms for better personalized recommendations.

Baby Got Hack
प्रत्येित ( Believe ) - A dependable decentralised subnet for crime vigilance and safe navigation. Our app aims at adding another feature to the current navigation system used by people in day-to-day life. The feature, as we call it is “safe-navigation”. It allows you to not only find the shortest route from origin to destination but also the safest- based on the trends in crimes recorded along all possible routes over a certain period of time. For this, we plan to create clusters based upon latitudes and longitudes of recorded crimes. We will assign these clusters a “danger index” based upon the types, density and date of these recorded crimes. Then we will use these clusters to calculate a heuristic function for an AI-algorithm to traverse each possible step of all possible routes and calculate a final “safety-index” of each route. These “safety-indices” will be assigned to the routes on-demand and hence will change with the time at which a user plans to use the app, as a route might be comparatively less safe at certain times than others. We also plan to provide the user with a visual interface for seeing the above-mentioned “crime-clusters” and heat maps of various categories of crime. To accomplish this task, our main hinderance was the absence of a reliable source of data on crimes committed in our country. Very few, if any, recorded FIRs are ever made public. Also, due of lack of transparency in the way crime is reported to the police, these FIRs are easy to manipulate and hence any public records of these generated by the current system is lacking in reliability. Thus to solve this problem, we plan to create a blockchain architecture of recording these FIRs so that a public ledger of every FIR recorded is present on a server at every police station which is a part of our blockchain network. This will ensure that no individual-be it a person with authority or a common man-can manipulate this information. Using this information we plan on generating a reliable database that can be used by our cluster of AI-models to give a new dimension to current standards of navigation. If successfully implemented, we can easily migrate the current records of FIRs to our blockchain for preserving their authenticity while providing a method to record all the new FIRs to the blockchain network directly. This architecture will also be able to replace our current system of filing online FIRs which is lacking any sorts of authentication- with a more secure, reliable and trustworthy method.

Bit Please
Automatic Trolley Human Follower: This project aims to make an Automatic Trolley Human Follower for general or industrial user that is affordable. The main objective is to reduce the cost yet increase the reliability, provide a viable and convenient way of carrying luggage for the public and especially for the old and specially abled. An automatic trolley human follower is developed to help a user or production industry to reduce the utilization of human energy in order to carry heavy things. This automatic trolley human follower is controlled by an Arduino, that can follow the user automatically using a combination of ultrasonic range sensors, bluetooth modules, accelerometer, gyroscope and also uses a fingerprint sensor and camera. GPS is not being used as to make the process more fast and accurate.

Provides a text summary of the video you want to watch. Another great functionality our app provides is the minify feature, that gives out a crunched video of the original video as opposed to the text summary. Both these features are especially helpful for students when they have an exam and have to quickly go through a concept or idea. If we're able to efficiently implement this, we'll implement other features like translating the summary to the desired language and audio summary.

Bulletproof Monks
Caption Generator using AI

Burning Bits
DataFlow - An iteractive desktop application that converts user made flow charts into useful computer code (in C/C++ or Java), user makes his logic chart using drag and drop features and can later simply generate code for it. Developers now have no need to struggle with the Syntax, but instead just concentrate upon creating better logics. It can be used as a learning tool , for educating young ones and making them aware of coding and logic development.

Our hack, DaaS (Docker as a Service) aims to provide easy computation and storage solutions on a local network. Each user can register and setup multiple containers, based on various images with an easy to use CLI.



Our product is basically about creating digital certificates for the attendees or the winners of an event.This would actually reduce the paper work and people would be able provide a link to their digital certificate instead of carrying it everywhere.Moreover through Machine Learning we will automate the process of selecting the suitable candidates for the event/competition.With the limited time we have decided to take the product in a particular direction i.e making it for Hackathons. Participants would be issued a digital certificate depicting they were a part of the Hackathon. Moreover selection of candidates will be automated through our Machine Learning Algorithm hence speeding up the entire process.

We are providing a mobile application for pregnant women. They can view usage, side-effects of medicines. Our app will sense the heartbeat of the women and in case of any abnormalities, or any emergency, will send an alert to hospitals near-by.

Analysis of Facebook posts and comments of an user.

This is a social media management assistant for small businesses to help them reach more potential customers. It will help them with the tedious and repetitive tasks using AI. Since small business owners don’t usually have any specialized social media manager, this will introduce them to a new way of promoting themselves as well as interacting with the potential customers and increasing the customer satisfaction. We will be using flask with python as back-end stack and use react native for user interface.

We aim to revolutionise the farming sector by introducing an investment-token based model which will help farmers in raising capital against their land and production output value.

The idea is to build an Android application that can convert sign language into text as well as speech and translate it into user’s preferred language.

Cunning Hackers
Our idea stems on two essential areas - health and social media. Thus, our platform is an amalgamation of both of them, trying to provide an early warning system for these signs of different mental states like whether he/she is depressed, having suicidal tendency etc or case of cyber bullying using the analysis of social media posts. As a measure of safety on identification of any such instances there is an notfication sent to the the benificary added of choice. Notifications send to the benificary only regarding to depression and Cyber bullying type posts because of User's privacy. This can be used as a tool of parental monitoring with parents getting notification of any suspicious post on the child's timeline.

The domain of our idea is VR Based House Selling/Buying application which enables the buyer and seller to interact on a common platform.Moreover the seller can have a virtual view of the entire house and can also have some freedom over his movement in the virtual house.

Dev Dost
Aggregating Peer-2-Peer money transfers & Online transactions (Booking Uber, Recharging Mobile & DTH etc), without the Internet (offline), essentially removing the dependency and allowing you 24/7 access to your digital money. Powered by SMS as a medium to transfer data and with the trust of Blockchain, to store, verify and authorize the transaction, thereby ruling out fraudulent transactions.

We are going to make a FB-Messenger ChatBot which will provide information about the Tv_Series,asked by the users.This is "HASURA" platform based project.

Devs With Benefits
The current voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, etc., have only one source of input i.e., Voice. This renders the wide range of features presented by these assistants like voice controlled home systems, etc., useless for the Dumb Demographics of the society. But given the fact that we have a world wide standard available for these people to communicate, we decided to make a hardware extension for the Amazon Echo/Google Assistant/Apple Pod which involves a camera module, a microphone, and a speaker. We are using the standard ASL language as a basis for the gesture recognition. Alexa records the gestures performed by the user, analyses them from a given set of commands, the one to which it matches with the maximum probability is chosen and then send to Alexa for a response to be generated which is then spoken out.

An extension/bot using integration of Machine Learning, Zulip APIs, Gesture Recognition and Voice Recognition for improving the browsing experience of physically challenged people.

dun dun dun dun
An Android app to help visually impaired persons. An app that provides the user an extra eye to enjoy the beauty of surroundings. we have tried to make it as simple as normal user to provide full control through voice commands.

ARThor is an Augumented Reality based application that aims at reducing the hassle of huge document files in a Hospital and reduce them to a AR Document that can be accessed by a simple app. The app presents the data related to the various objects in a Hospital environment. The various features of the app are as follows: a. Scans personal QR code of a patient and displays an AR document about essential details of the patient on the device projected on the QR code. Essential details such as: 1.Tells about the basic details like name, age, gendder, etc. 2.Tells about the medical history of the patient to make it easy for the doctor to choose the right procedures. 3.Tells about the current status of medication of the patient. b. Tells about the current status of available medications and automatically orders the equipments and medicines that are low in stock.

In our modern world we have so many appliances in house that work at the same time. In order to keep ourselves in check we came up with the idea of Smart-Energy-Meter. The system measures the amount of energy that is being consumed on the daily basis by using data from Electricity meter. The system is programmed using current slab rate for bill calculation. By using IoT we can control the appliances remotely. The system will also help in preventing loss of energy or theft.

Twitter Utilities App: This application project tends to solve three major real life problems that people encounter while using twitter. The app will only require your twitter handle as an initial input. 1.) Predicting the number of likes and re-tweets that you might be getting on any tweet of yours, based on your profile status, and also based on the post’s timestamp. 2.) This app will help you get a summary of the tweets of the people you follow for the past one day ranging up to one week, as per your requirement. 3.) Time to add some fancy stuff. Suppose you want to post a tweet in the style of some famous personality. This app will you do the same on the go. Just enter some text and the tweet will be generated in the style of your choice. Additionally, we will also predict the number of likes that you will get depending on when you post the tweet.

Functionally Reactive
Our project tries to solve a general problem of parents, which is the monitoring the child's use time of his mobile, but in a more playful nature. We plan to design a custom launcher application for android, which will track and monitor the time spent by the child on other apps. The child has a specified time limit of using the other apps, in completion of which the launcher closes the app. To reopen it, the child has to play some educational games, developed in three.js. The games will be developed by the community and the user involvement in a particular game fetches them more blocks. Also, the parents can monitor how much the time their child spends on a particular app, and in which games he is more interested in.

Guardian Support Systems
We aim to use Augmented Reality to make Education & Learning an interactive and immersive experience for students.

A Secure Interactive Diary based on Ethereum

An interactive bot deployed on zulip which provides personalized healthcare by taking into account the user's current and past medical history(Using ML algorithms).

We are planning to convert any digital media (music , books, movies , photographs , memes , videos , gif you name it we hash it) created by content makers into an ERC-721 asset (like crypto-kitties) , these assets are now cryptocurrencies which can be traded , rented , saved as an investment , exchanged just like cryptocurrencies (ERC-20 but with meta data) .The ownership of these assets will be tracked via a smart contract , where they can be traded , rented , sold , exchanged all in a decentralised way . Secondly along with this to prevent piracy of digital media on blockchain we will encrypt the data such that it can only be decrypted if the person viewing it has the ownership and he is viewing it on our own web app .The downloaded file will not run anywhere else except our platform .

Heisenberg Dies
CheckOut - Smart Product Lookup App using Product Image and/or its barcode

To develop a block-chain based platform which will make the government tender allotment process transparent and eliminate corruption. We will use Smart contracts to record the bids for a tender and not disclose the bid to government agency to prevent favouritism, the smart contract will in turn automatically alot tender to deserving agency

AI based Github profile analyzer to review and rank user profiles to automate selection procedure for hackathons and ease the hiring process for companies.

# Oculus - Apertor Most of the accidents happen due to the driver feeling drowsy, while being on a long drive or on a highway. Therefore to save those precious lives, the app comes to the rescue. **Prevention is better than cure and certainly better than being deceased.** The app primarily detects the shutter of the eye and makes sure the driver keeps his eyes considerably open during the ride. Salient features of the app include: * An app that prevent accidents while driving. * Forces the user to keep his eyes open. * Has an eye exercise if user is feeling sleepy. * Can send messages to contacts if an accident occurs. * Alerts the driver to keep his phone in-front of him for the app to be functional.

This react native (cross platform) app is solution of one of the big problem in our society : Non-standardized, Non-transparent service sector pricing i.e. Medical bills are biggest cause of personal bankruptcies. We solve this problem by: Decentralized database of medical costs, Cryptocurrency to incentivize reporting medical bills resulting in consumer empowerment in healthcare pricing We extend this idea to not only healthcare but more sectors of non-standardized, non-transparent services.

Little Women
Donation Application (decentralized)

Detection and treatment of dyslexia.

RepoEther An open complaint system that uses decentralization to address the issues of transparency and provides incentives to common man. Ever wondered how much better place we could live in, if we worked on criticism and complaints in a constructive manner taking the consensus of common man, into consideration. We all wish for a transparent, open, decentralized and effective complaint lodging system which works for the people, by the people and made of the people. Get a taste of true democracy and experience the effective working of authorities by using the app, RepoEther. Register --> Judge --> Earn, Make this world a better place for a bitter tomorrow. What is the Hack about? RepoEther is a web-app developed by the ""Team placeholder"". It is a complaint lodging app using Blockchain technology. Why is it necessary? Did you wonder: Why do scams go unreported? Why do most of the rape cases go unreported? Why are accident cases are not reported effectively? and many more wonderings in your head, voices screeching for answers. Now, is the time to REPOETHER 'Em All. There's an urge of having a complaint lodging system, which is open, transparent, efficient, distributed and takes public consensus into consideration, while rewarding them for the proper judgement.

A web-app that makes reading research papers easier.

Train Assist is a Train Delay Predictor for Indian Trains which gives its result based on the weather conditions and has been trained on historical data to give you the best possible idea of your train delay. Some relief for us Indians there.

Using disease profiles which contains severity and symptoms, our code first predicts the possible disease the person can have. Now, we help the user by providing useful blogs and resources like medications, doctors to consult, home remedies, precautions, etc from all over the web. We will be having user accounts, and thus the user will upvote and downvote the resources based on his/her experience. Also, if a disease is encountered for the first time, the search algorithm is used for that time and the data is stored for any further requests. We also plan to recommend future complications or disease that the user might get into if the severity of the current symptoms increases and what all precautionary measures to avoid them.

An Augmented Reality Assistant which performs utility and fun stuff. It includes image recognition, to-do manager , geo- tagging , language assistance , mood manipulation , games etc

Red Hot Techie Pepper
We are building a chat bot which will help a man during his relocation to a different country by solving queries related to a new place along with language.

Ever felt disappointing to read a research paper, because you cant understand most of the terms? Our hack solves the problem!! We use python's advanced NLP( Natural Language Processor) libraries and several other API's to solve the above problem mentioned. Provided a research document we will try to extract the summary of the research document and find the relevant links which provide extra information about the terms in the document. These links will be based on the keywords and the necessary theme of the document. The hack will be helpful for the people who want to start out in a particular field.

Sb Purani Baate Hai
The main purpose of our android application is : ""Service to Humanity"". i.e ,Providing help at the right place and at right time. We are aiming at providing instant help in emergency situation by broadcasting information to our app users and nearby people .Apart from that all social services like donating food,money,etc or educating poor children or spreading awareness can be done which will be acknowledged by us on various social platform.

Source Code
A chat-assistant which extracts the significant messages from the bulk of unread messages in order to reduce the workload of user.It also analyzes the mood of one another in order for smooth working of chats.It can also translate message into different languages and send to particular user without any effort. We are trying to implement this on Whatsapp and telegram and host it on zulip . It can be extended to any social media platform.

Problem : Food In-Security Household Food security exists when all members at all time have access to enough food for an active healthy life. Individuals who are food secured do not live in hunger or fear of starvation . Food insecurity on the other hand is the situation of uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability """"------ to acquire acceptable food in socially acceptable ways ------"""" according to United States Dept. of Agriculture. Hack : AKSHAYAPATRA This hack will provide- Availability of food to the needy. Access to everyone. """"""Utilisation of wastage"""""". UTILISATION OF WASTAGE---------------------------------------- There are people(Restaurants, Marriage Halls, Households) who want to serve their excess food to the needy but do not have a medium to communicate. Even on the other side, the needy do not know who is ready to fulfill their needs. Due to this disconnection in the communication, there is a lot of """"""FOOD WASTAGE"""""" . Let's prevent it then.

sudo code
Overbooking is a regular practice in the airline industry and it results in more than 40,000 passengers involuntarily removed annually from seats they purchased. Why do most airlines routinely sell more tickets than available seats for flights? Airlines know some people won’t show up: Airlines calculate how many seats to oversell based on proprietary algorithms that try to guess how many passengers are likely to miss the flight Airlines overbook with the help of secret formulas: Airlines calculate how many seats to oversell based on proprietary algorithms that try to guess how many passengers are likely to miss the flight

Team Cha0s
Anti Depression Bot that detects how depressed a patient is for a doctor and tells the doc what is the necessary therapy that the patient requires.

The Brainy Fools
Application to detect cataract

The Exceptions
We are basically aiming to improve the healthcare system in the country. It aims to improve the fitness and allow people to learn and implement healthy living in their lives.The main aim of our application is that on gaining some details from users it will display , recommend the types of food they should eat. It will be one in all fitness guide for the users , as it will count the steps you walk and help you in acheiving your desired weight. As a special section for users a section for babies is introduced in the application. It will send notification so that the newborn children can get their vaccinations on time. Some important information and news which is required instantly is also shown in the application.

# Decentralized-Review-Platform It's a Decentralized Review Platform built on top of Ethereum ## What's the issue? ------------------------ Today, most of the community review systems are owned by ""Big"" centralized organisations like Amazon, Google etc. These organisations when required often influence users contents on the platform to improve their odds in market. Also, duue to centralized nature, present systems can be highly effected if the company went down. ## Proposed Solution? -------------------------- So here we propose a solution to the problem by developing a Decentralized Review Platform using Etherum Ecosystem. This enables us to deliver a temper-proof, highly reliable & trusted community platform for reviews & ratings. It's a community review system on which user can just write review for 'link' to the 'restraunts','hotels' ,'produ cts' or 'website'. ## Innovation? --------------------------- It's gives power to each and every individual by assuring them that their voices cannot be put down by ""Big"" Organisations for their profit. Our system emphasis on user experience & simplicity by abstracting most of the technical aspects. More on that, we will also integrate this system with Zulip Platform, to categorize all the reviews provided by the users into several categories/topics based on sentiments, product, etc. It'll help organisations to know about discussions going in their products & reach their customers. ## More... --------------------------- We'll also create a modular ""Disqus"" like plugin which can be added to any project page. ## What Technology Stack? ---------------------------- - **Web** : ReactJS, Flask (TBD), HTML, CSS - **Blockchain** : Ethereum (Truffle) & Solidity - **Machine Learning** : MS Azure, - **Others** : Markdown

the whole pizza in my mouth
Two Player AR Game

TenderChicken is a blockchain(smart contracts) based application where government organisations can release tenders for several requirements and different parties can submit their applications for any open tender. TenderChicken lets the applicants only publish the hash of their applications initially until the deadline of accepting tenders gets over. These hashes are stored in the blockchain and hence remain immutable and tamper proof. Once no further applications are accepted for the Tender, the applicants need to publish the original applications. The hashes of the uploaded files are matched with previously stored hashes and the matched ones are selected as legitimate applications. It prevents any organisation to preview the applications before the deadline. If any corrupt organisation can preview the applications, they can make adjustments with several other parties for sending applications with lesser bid values.

Identify and tackle areas wherein a child lags in terms of reading,writing and speaking disabilities .Furthering it to deal with the broader issue of Dyslexia and cater to the needs of special children.
Pinpoint specific areas of weaknesses in writing and reading and provide insightful analytics .
To provide a roadmap for the teachers and students to help out the children.
Provide additional tools to aid reading and writing.